“I can promote my videos for free?” you might be saying. Well, though nothing in business or life is really free, there are still ways you can get more reach for less cost.
Your results depend as much on the content of your video as on how well you promote it. If your video is dull and boring, then no amount of promotion will help you. However, if you’ve created great content that’s actually worth promoting, then let’s see some ways to promote it for not-quite-but-pretty-close-to-free.
Start by embedding your videos in your website. If you have YouTube videos, then you can either embed an individual video or a playlist of videos. Either option is fairly quick and easy to do.
To embed a YouTube video, go to the one that you want to embed on a computer. Under the video, click Share. Then, click Embed. From the box that appears, copy the HTML code. Then, paste the code into your blog or website HTML.
If you have Facebook videos, you can embed either a public post or video. When you embed a Facebook post that contains a video, the message that was posted with the video will be included. When you embed the video only, only the video player will be included.
To embed a Facebook video, go to the video you want to embed. Click in the top right of the post and select Embed. Then, copy and paste the code that appears and add it to your own website or web page.
Next, share your YouTube or Facebook videos on other social media platforms. YouTube has a panel with different sharing options. Click on a social network icon (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, etc.) to share the video there.With Facebook videos, sharing on other social media isn’t straightforward and is limited to Twitter. You will need to link your Facebook profile or Page to your Twitter account so that you can share your Facebook posts on Twitter.
Certain individuals have more influence and reach than others. Journalists can write about your video, link to it, and even embed it in a story. Bloggers can also write about your video, link to it, and embed it in a post. Influencers can like your video, comment on it, and share it with their friends, fans, and followers.
Schmoozing with influential individuals is normally a great use of your time and generally doesn’t cost a dime. It sets you apart from the vast majority of the other video creators who are only known by their names or recognized by their avatars.
And, of course, you can always buy advertising on YouTube and Facebook to promote your video. In fact, you probably should, as those targeted campaigns can reach people you might not reach organically. But if there are free-ish options, why wouldn’t you try them?
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